Nebraska Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Tech Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Grant Program

About Nebraska Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Tech Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Grant Program

The Nebraska Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Initiative establishes a program to provide financial assistance to small businesses with a principal place of business in Nebraska engaging in the federal SBIR/STTR programs. This initiative by the State of Nebraska is designed to support applications to the federal Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer program (Phase 0) and for the matching of successful federal Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer program applications (Phase 1 and 2). The total funds available through the Nebraska SBIR/STTR Initiative will be a maximum of $6 million per year. The federal Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer program provides funding competitions in two phases that are relevant to the Nebraska SBIR/STTR Initiative. Phase 1 - to conduct feasibility research; and Phase 2 - to expand and develop Phase 1 results into commercially viable innovations. The federal SBIR/STTR program is administered by 11 federal agencies. Applicants for federal SBIR/STTR program funding compete by submitting proposals in response to solicitations issued by the participating federal agencies. Small businesses apply for funding under the Nebraska SBIR/STTR Initiative by applying to the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS & REQUIREMENTS: Small businesses that qualify under the federal SBIR/STTR program for the purposes of submitting an application under the federal program are eligible to apply for funding through the Nebraska SBIR/STTR Initiative. There are two types of assistance available under this program: Phase 0, and Phase 1 and 2 matching funds.
  • Aidan Larsen, Economic Development Consultant

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