The Conservation Fund

About The Conservation Fund

About Us At the Fund, we make conservation work for America. By creating solutions that make environmental and economic sense, we are redefining conservation to demonstrate its essential role in our future prosperity. Top-ranked for efficiency and effectiveness, we have worked in all 50 states to protect more than 7.8 million acres of land since 1985. Conservation that Works for America We practice conservation to achieve environmental and economic outcomes. Our trusted and get-it-done staff throughout the country create and implement innovative, practical ways to benefit the natural world and the well-being of Americans from every walk of life. At the Fund, we believe that conservation is an "all-hands on deck" proposition, in the words of a former Board Chair. Conservation takes many forms, and The Fund's programs interpret and practice conservation in a mutually-reinforcing way - working in concert to make sure the value of natural resources in America remain essential to our prosperity. What Sets Us Apart Our focus is on conservation and communities - creating as many pathways possible for people and organizations to protect their natural resources and save the places that matter most - properties with ecological, historic and/or cultural significance. We deliver conservation and economic vitality through strong partnerships with government, business and colleague organizations. We are willing to take risks. We are creative, entrepreneurial and have devoted three decades to re-defining conservation - inviting more Americans to participate in, and benefit from the multiple advantages offered by our solutions. Traditional methods of conservation are not keeping pace with ever-increasing demand for the benefits supplied to us by nature. Today we face climate change, inefficient systems for water and land use, damaging agricultural practices, as well as resistance to acknowledge the real value of the natural world on which we so heavily rely. Our programs re-imagine our short-term human systems to better align them with the longer-term cycles of nature. We are independent and do not have a membership, and thus appreciate the dedicated support of a nationwide community of individuals and organizations who agree with our vision and approach. Working efficiently and effectively, the Fund devotes 96% of its annual budget directly to conservation programs and just 1% to fundraising. With thirty consecutive years of growth, our record demonstrates that new ideas can work, especially when created and implemented with trusted, credible partners. The Conservation Fund has proven again and again that it can address the big challenges and achieve enduring change through purposeful conservation.
  • Alisa Borland, Vice President of Development