National Center for Education Research (NCER) - Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences

About National Center for Education Research (NCER) - Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences

Purpose of Program: In awarding the research grants, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) intends to provide national leadership in expanding knowledge and understanding of (1) education outcomes for all learners from early childhood education through postsecondary and adult education, and (2) employment and wage outcomes when relevant (such as for those engaged in career and technical, postsecondary, or adult education). IES research grant programs are designed to provide interested individuals and the general public with reliable and valid information about education practices that support learning, improve academic achievement, and provide access to education opportunities for all learners. These interested individuals include parents, educators, learners, researchers, and policymakers. In carrying out its grant programs, IES provides support for programs of research in areas of demonstrated national need. In awarding research training grant programs, IES aims to prepare individuals to conduct rigorous and relevant education and special education research that advances knowledge within the field and addresses issues important to education policymakers and practitioners.
  • Katina Stapleton, Grants Manager