Nathan Bernstein, Angel Investor

About Nathan Bernstein, Angel Investor

Nathan Bernstein managed care professional with a focus on Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, dual eligible members, and underserved populations. Over the past 4 years, he has led business development and strategic partnerships at Tangelo as a member of the founding and executive team dedicated to addressing health-related social needs and making affordable access to healthy foods scalable and sustainable. Working at the intersection of healthcare delivery, agriculture, population health, food as medicine, and digital health technology to improve the health of individuals and the resiliency and inclusivity of communities. Extensive experience administering SDoH, population health, and employee well-being initiatives for public and private sector organizations. Passionate about removing barriers and improving disparities in nutrition and healthcare access particularly among ethnic minority groups, seniors, rural residents, those with disabilities, and low-income individuals and households by addressing the social drivers of health. Nathan is also an angel investor and business strategist. His investments are in the Technology, Healthcare, Consumer Products, and Hospitality sectors.
  • Nathan Bernstein, Angel Investor