Mrinal Manohar, Angel Investor

About Mrinal Manohar, Angel Investor

Mrinal Manohar loves intellectual stimulation and is passionate about building. He currently serves as the CEO of Prove AI, a firm that offers AI governance through enterprise-grade, secure, and tamper-proof infrastructure. He was a former Principal of Sagard Holdings where he heads the Technology, Media, and Telecommunications sectors. He worked with the FBI as a Project Manager for a student project on topics related to the establishment and subversion of online and offline identities. He also interned for Microsoft and Oracle. Mrinal has been angel investing since 2010. Some of his notable investments are in Ethereum, Tezos, Filecoin, Maker, Blockstack, Basis, Snapchat, and Splendid Spoon.
  • Mrinal Manohar, Angel Investor