Motor City Match

About Motor City Match

Motor City Match isn't just a grant program; it's a community catalyst, empowering dreamers to become doers. We believe in the power of Detroit's businesses and the individuals who drive them. Through financial grants, technical assistance, and expert guidance, we help entrepreneurs launch, expand, and revitalize their ventures. Whether you're a seasoned business owner ready to scale up or a fresh-faced innovator with a brilliant idea, we equip you with the tools and resources needed to turn your vision into reality. Fueling jobs, revitalizing neighborhoods, and fostering diversity and inclusion—that's our mission. We're not just building businesses; we're building a stronger, more vibrant Detroit, one brick-and-mortar dream at a time. Ready to join the engine of Detroit's revival? Learn more about our grant programs and get ready to shift your passion into high gear. Together, let's build a Detroit where every entrepreneur has the fuel to succeed.
  • Medvis Jackson, Track Manager