Moonshots Capital

About Moonshots Capital

We aggressively invest in companies that are military veterans founded or run. As West Point graduates and veterans, we know this group well and have had very good success investing in them to date, also, investing at the seed-stage, identifying smart and scrappy entrepreneurs who are adapting to changing markets. Investment Criteria Our goal is to identify disruptive startups that can achieve a 10x plus valuation and return a high ROI for our investors. Product (or MVP) is live with client/customer traction. Annual recurring revenue (ARR) of $500k+. Already raised at least $500K (more is better) in seed capital. Follow-on investment allowed. Fundable team. 2nd-time entrepreneur(s) better. Applicability of our network (the more applicable the better). Chemistry with (and abilities of) Founder(s) to listen. We aggressively invest in companies that are military veterans founded or have veterans on the founding team. We like to take an active role in the company either by means of a board seat or formal advisory role. We roll up our sleeves!
  • Kelly Perdew, Co-Founder & Managing General Partner