Monadnock Capital

About Monadnock Capital

Founded in 2007, Monadnock Capital aims to add value for our clients leveraging our investment experience and expertise to help clients grow wealth over time. We founded Monadnock in order to help clients invest for their future, and act as an investment partner. We are steadfast in our approach to identifying leading investment opportunities and rigorous in our process to construct high-quality portfolios for our clients. —Selective Investing We target identifying truly compelling investment opportunities that have ample capital appreciation while understanding the margin of safety. We thoroughly research companies using our proprietary fundamental criteria. We see only a small portion of the market opportunity meeting our requirements for investment. This focus aims to have a high success rate in the positions in which we invest. —Client Partnership We seek to generate returns on our investments to add value for our clients and ourselves. We invest alongside our client partners given our conviction in our process and philosophy. We see no stronger statement. Our direct investment capability also eliminates the layered fee structure in most advisory relationships. —Long-term Approach Wealth creation is maximized by taking advantage of time and compounding returns supported by a disciplined investment process. This approach is both tax efficient and minimizes cost for the investor.
  • Bryan Krause, Managing Partner