Minority- and Women-Owned Business Support Grants (MassCEC)

About Minority- and Women-Owned Business Support Grants (MassCEC)

MWBE Support Grants provide up to $1,000,000 across three years in grant funds and technical support to organizations that address the barriers faced by MWBEs in the clean energy sector and provide MWBEs with the skills and resources to thrive. Grantees develop or expand programs that provide support to existing MWBEs entering the clean energy sector and/or assist in the creation of new MWBEs in the sector. This funding is not intended to benefit a single MWBE. Successful applicants will propose projects that address barriers faced by MWBEs, tackle both supply and demand needs, provide comprehensive wraparound services for individuals participating in their programs, leverage existing support systems, and propose robust partnerships.
  • Jennifer Applebaum , Managing Director