Miami Angels

About Miami Angels

Formerly known as AGP, Miami Angels is a Miami-based angel investor network. We invest in early-stage technology companies throughout the Florida region. Investment Criteria -Southeast Presence We are dedicated to funding companies with operations in the Southeast United States. -Tech Powered Companies that have created technology to sell as a service, or are using technology to their advantage. -Massive Markets Companies that offer solutions to pain points and issues in massive addressable markets. -Experienced Teams You and your team should have relevant experience about the industry you are entering, the grit to push through roadblocks, and the vision to lead a fast-growing company. -Unique An idea that is different from the competition and the status quo. You have identified the competition and can speak to what differentiates your company. -Market Fit Companies should have a developed product with at least some customers (e.g. indicators of product-market fit). We do review pre-revenue companies regularly. -Industry Because of our diverse investor base, we invest in many industries. However, we do not invest in lifestyle brands, consumer goods, development shops, or financial derivatives.
  • Daniel Echavarria, Co-Founder