Mentor Capital Partners

About Mentor Capital Partners

Partnering with private and public companies with particular focus below the $50 million revenue mark. MENTOR makes "positioning investments." This enables us to leverage our investment capital to attract significant financial resources from an extensive network of institutional investment funds and private capital sources. Our operating model is in the spirit of early private European merchant banks. Engaging with management in a leadership role by leveraging operations to create sustaining value. MENTOR seeks a leadership role in supporting other founders and owners in companies at various stages of business development. We believe it is management's responsibility to operate the business and our participation is at the board and advisory level. Our process is to provide the proper degree of assistance that matches the unique needs of each portfolio company. Providing capital to venture level, private and smaller public companies to create the best liquidity alternatives. MENTOR’s investments are structured to match the growth strategy and market conditions. Our success is in recognizing the convergence of the following factors when considering an investment: Management Talent, Product Viability, and Market Readiness. We maintain an interest across a number of industry verticals.
  • Edward F. Sager, Partner