Maryland OPEN Energy Program FY24

About Maryland OPEN Energy Program FY24

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) occasionally receives proposals for energy projects and initiatives outside of the agency’s suite of established technology and sector-specific energy programs offered in a given fiscal year. MEA acknowledges that these types of proposals can potentially help advance the State’s energy goals, greenhouse gas reduction goals, and agency mission, in innovative ways while also being responsive to evolving energy and environmental issues, as well as engaging a broad range of stakeholders. MEA’s OPEN Energy Program (OPEN Energy) allows the agency to consider these proposals that are outside of MEA’s suite of established energy programs for potential funding. Applications under OPEN Energy should be efforts that have the potential to be replicated to benefit new sectors of the economy or demonstrate the deployment of new emerging technologies, and provide a public benefit beyond a single project or activity, in support of Maryland's energy and environmental goals. Projects that maximize greenhouse gas emissions reductions and bring direct benefits to low-to-moderate income, overburdened, or underserved communities are strongly preferred.
  • Garry Aime, Program Manager