Mark Bernfeld, Angel Investor

About Mark Bernfeld, Angel Investor

Mark Bernfeld is an experienced entrepreneur and angel investor with a commitment to environmentally and socially responsible businesses. As an active angel investor, he is a member of Launchpad Venture Group, which provides funding and advice to early-stage companies, and a Partner in Clean Energy Venture Group, which focuses on start-up investments in the clean technology sector. Most recently, Mark cofounded MentorWorks, a start-up that provides funding and career advancement to help deserving college students stay in school and graduate into promising careers. Mark founded Tamarack Technologies in 1993 with the vision of meeting our growing need to conserve energy and improve air quality in our homes. He remains owner and Board Chairman, where he continues to advocate for Tamarack’s mission to promote the reemergence of home cooling using outdoor air, and to make accessible to homeowners sensible solutions to the problem of unhealthy indoor air. As a result, Tamarack is widely recognized for quality and innovation in providing ventilation solutions for the air we live in. Mark spent many years in the insurance industry, with diverse roles from consultant to major insurance companies, to broker, to insurance company executive. He serves on boards of directors/advisors for several start-up companies. He is a Lecturer in Entrepreneurial Finance at Northeastern University, and he has mentored many start-ups through programs at MassChallenge, Dartmouth College, and other college/university organizations. Mark also oversees a family real estate business. Mark is a Board member at Community Legal Services and Counseling Center (CLSACC), a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based nonprofit that provides free legal assistance and affordable psychological counseling to help combat the effects of poverty and violence. He is also on the Alumni Board of the Dragon Senior Honor Society at Dartmouth College. Mark received an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a BS in Mathematics from Dartmouth College.
  • Mark Bernfeld, Angel Investor