Mahesh Muchhala, Angel Investor

About Mahesh Muchhala, Angel Investor

Mahesh Muchhala is an Entrepreneur, Angel investor, Mentor, and Founder at DataMotion, Inc. Mahesh has been a Serial Entrepreneur since 1975 with an emphasis on financial rewards and an eye on cash flow-positive operations. He has an excellent perspective for international overview planning and in-depth legal contract negotiations to achieve business objectives. He is deeply interested in strategic planning, business development, and M&A opportunities as well as start-up mentoring. He is actively involved in professional organizations: member of the New Jersey Technology Council since its inception; Member of the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) NJ; member of Jumpstart Angel Network, ACG Angel Forum, Northeast Landmark Angel Forum, and an invitee at Kairetsu Angel Forum. He is an active investor in new start-ups where he actively mentors the ventures. His specialties are Business planning and execution, Intellectual Property, Branding, Competitive analysis, financing, and strategic alliances.
  • Mahesh Muchhala, Angel Investor