Los Angeles County Community Care Expansion (CCE) Preservation Grant Program - Capital Projects

About Los Angeles County Community Care Expansion (CCE) Preservation Grant Program - Capital Projects

CCE Capital Projects is a grant program to fund physical rehabilitation improvements needed for adult residential facilities (ARFs), residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFEs), and residential care facilities for the chronically ill (RCFCI) located in Los Angeles County to remain operating. The program can also fund repairs needed to ensure facilities are compliant with licensing and health and safety standards. A minimum of $50,000 per facility will be awarded to approved applicants. Funds must be used to supplement, not supplant, any existing funds used to support these facilities. Grant funds can be applied to physical repairs and upgrades for a facility within its property line. The grants can also fund repairs needed to ensure facilities are compliant with licensing standards.
  • Staci O'Neal Robinson, Grant Coordinator