Longhouse Partners

About Longhouse Partners

Longhouse Partners offers private equity for the lower middle market. In certain Native American cultures, several families lived together under one roof, in an extended building called a longhouse. While each family had its own section within the longhouse, no family was walled off from another, and some resources were shared. This structure provided security and a sense of community for each of the families. At Longhouse Partners, our vision is to build a portfolio of complementary businesses, whose people will have open lines of communication and ready access to the best practices of other companies in the portfolio – much like the families in a traditional longhouse. We look to make majority or minority equity investments in established, profitable companies. Industries: —Business Services ▪Business Process Outsourcing ▪Engineering/Technical Services ▪Marketing Services —Consumer Products & Services ▪Food & Beverage ▪Apparel & Accessories ▪Education —Niche Manufacturing Size & Geography: —Revenue: at least $10 million —EBITDA: at least $2.5 million —U.S. or Canada (with a preference for Midwest)
  • Chris Sheeren, Partner