Longhouse Partners offers private equity for the lower middle market.
In certain Native American cultures, several families lived together under one roof, in an extended building called a longhouse. While each family had its own section within the longhouse, no family was walled off from another, and some resources were shared. This structure provided security and a sense of community for each of the families.
At Longhouse Partners, our vision is to build a portfolio of complementary businesses, whose people will have open lines of communication and ready access to the best practices of other companies in the portfolio – much like the families in a traditional longhouse.
We look to make majority or minority equity investments in established, profitable companies.
—Business Services
▪Business Process Outsourcing
▪Engineering/Technical Services
▪Marketing Services
—Consumer Products & Services
▪Food & Beverage
▪Apparel & Accessories
—Niche Manufacturing
Size & Geography:
—Revenue: at least $10 million
—EBITDA: at least $2.5 million
—U.S. or Canada (with a preference for Midwest)
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