
About LaunchCapital

LaunchCapital invests in entrepreneurs who build the future. LaunchCapital focuses on the seed and early stages of development. Typically we invest when teams are raising their first or second round of institutional capital. From an idea on paper to a post-seed business, we’re game to get involved. For every seed investment we make, we plan to make significant follow-on investments in exceptional companies as they continue growing. Our Growth Fund both supports our seed investments and makes investments in great companies we meet at later stages of development. When we invest, we keep true to the following principles: -We enable great people to accomplish great things -We are industry agnostic -We encourage an unwavering commitment to milestones -We appreciate capital-efficient companies -We look for innovative thinkers and creative solutions -We focus on developing entrepreneurs as well as businesses -We believe that the entrepreneur is at the center of everything
  • Elon Boms, Founder and Chairman