Lagomaj Capital

About Lagomaj Capital

The 21st century has proven the greatest asset to a country's economy is intellectual capital. The ability to turn ideas into products, monetize patents, and disrupt an industry, while increasing the standard of living is what makes the entrepreneur the most valuable person of our time. Lagomaj helps these entrepreneurs early in their startup's lifecycle with a myriad of resources and expertise that allow them to flourish. Together we achieve the unthinkable in a time where it seems impossible. Lagomaj combines practicality and versatility with idealism, deep-tech expertise with a down-to-earth perspective, and youth with wisdom. The world has no shortage of problems that need to be solved — and Lagomaj believes a combination of entrepreneurialism, a desire to do more, and technology holds the key to many of them. As we see it, capital is fuel for driving people to do great things and solve big problems.
  • Felix Williams, Founder & Managing Director