Kingdom Capital

About Kingdom Capital

We look for uniquely better technology solutions addressing unmet needs in early stage companies. Kingdom Capital invests in early-stage companies that are attractive companies, fit synergistically within our investment portfolio strategy, and align with the SHIELD values. By investing in technology-based solutions, Kingdom Capital has built out an integrated technology and health & medical investment portfolio. Kingdom Capital’s investment thesis is summed up in three words: Values, Drive and Valuation. It can also be expressed by the term Vαlues. Where unique financial returns, or alpha returns, are a function of the values of an organization. Companies which authentically and intentionally aspire to grow and develop their culture and leadership reflective of the SHEILD values historically outperform their peer group financial metrics by double or more. When this values-driven approach is matched with Kingdom Capital’s subject-matter expertise in health & medical and technology, truly significant valuations are realized, and the virtuous cycle of capital is accelerated.
  • Nicole Peterson, Administrative Assistant