Ken Dicken, Angel Investor

About Ken Dicken, Angel Investor

Ken Dicken is a successful entrepreneur and management professional in start-up and growth operations, marketing, and consulting. He has expertise in leading and organizing teams to achieve business objectives effectively utilizing technology, project management methodologies, and business systems design. He currently serves as the President and CEO of DICKEN Enterprises, a national consulting services firm specializing in temporary assignments to its clients in the business disciplines including management, information systems, accounting, finance, sales & marketing, legal, advertising, and human resources. He is also a Co-founder of Nexosome Oncology, a company focused on the applications of exosome-based diagnostics in the cancer field and will test the predictive power of its technology against specific types of cancers. He has also been an angel investor and member of the Kentucky Angel Network and Angel Capital Association.
  • Ken Dicken, Angel Investor