Keeler Investments Group

About Keeler Investments Group

KIG invests in Seattle and San Francisco technology startups. We invest between $100,000-250,000 into Founder, Pre-Seed and Seed rounds. We like to play a supportive and engaged role in helping a company early in its life, with a particular focus on connecting our portfolio companies to leading later-stage investors up and down the West Coast. While generally opportunistic, we are currently actively pursuing investments in the "convergence" (where computer vision, voice, robotics, AI/ML, and AR/VR are combining to change the world) and Consumer. -A typical KIG investment would have the following profile: -Founding team with relevant industry experience -Headquartered in the greater Puget Sound or Bay Area region -Has a clear idea of how it can become a $1B opportunity -Rising tide industry -Large-scale opportunity (not a feature company) We do not invest in biotech, health tech, medical devices, brick, and mortar retail, or vice-related opportunities.
  • Allison Keeler, Partner