Katalyst Partners

About Katalyst Partners

Katalyst Partners (“Katalyst”) is an entrepreneurial investment group with expertise in business strategy and operations focused on acquiring, operating and growing businesses generating EBITDA between $1.0 and 4.0 million. We acquire, operate, and grow businesses where we can leverage our direct operating and domain expertise to create enterprise value. By dissecting the value chain, in industries where Katalyst has direct operating experience, Katalyst is able to identify investment opportunities with strong business fundamentals capable of generating outsized returns at the current stage of the economic cycle. Katalyst is only focused on acquiring businesses where the firm has direct domain expertise to minimize the number of unknowns, avoid overlooking hidden industry and business dynamics, and ensure Katalyst is able to drive value and execute its vision through its VCP unlocking significant value for investors while mitigating downside risk.
  • Boris Katsnelson, Managing Partner