JetBlue Technology Ventures

About JetBlue Technology Ventures

We invest in and partner with early-stage startups improving the travel, hospitality, and transportation industries. Our team includes venture capital pros and travel industry veterans. You can learn more about our passions here and more about our people here. Of course, we provide funding to promising startups, but we do so much more than that. We give steady guidance, make connections to industry power players, provide proof-of-concept opportunities, and, in some cases, incubate startups in our own Silicon Valley office. As you’d expect, we have deep expertise in aviation, but our team also specializes in hospitality, regional and ground transportation, and more. In short, we’re travel geeks and could spend hours talking your ear off about the latest developments in predictive maintenance, machine learning, and electric propulsion for the industry. Combine that with our focus on helping turn good startups into great ones, and you’ve got our recipe for success.
  • Raj Singh, Managing Director