Iowa Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI)

About Iowa Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI)

The purpose of the Iowa Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) program is to build resilience in the middle of the food supply chain, by developing and improving markets for Iowa small farms and food businesses, investing in the development of Iowa local food processing, distribution and aggregation infrastructure and protecting fair prices, fair wages, and new and safe job opportunities. Iowa’s RFSI partners will work in partnership with USDA to make competitive subawards to support infrastructure in the middle of the supply chain for domestic food and farm businesses. In addition Iowa partners will use part of the funds to develop and strengthen supply chain coordination and targeted market development activities in Iowa. The Middle of the Supply Chain Grants will give: -Grants to middle of the supply chain food and farm businesses who are supporting or providing regional food distribution and aggregation, processing and packaging of fresh produce, grains, dry beans, and other legumes and/or value added products for wholesale markets. -Grants will only fund middle of the supply chain activities and projects that will market products to wholesale markets such as schools, institutions, grocers, and support other intermediary markets such as food hubs, post-harvest and processing facilities, or other distribution networks.
  • Jason Grimm, Executive Director