Investors Managament Corporation

About Investors Managament Corporation

Investors Management Corp is a long-term owner of businesses that provide a lasting benefit to society, opportunity and growth for their employees, and positive financial outcomes for everybody involved. We know that we all benefit from what each of us provides to this equation. We look at investment opportunities a bit differently. Analyzing the financial equation is the simple part. We go further by investing in people and what their businesses bring to the world since that is where the greatest opportunities reside. It is our goal to share these opportunities and resulting benefits together. As a private company using only internal capital, we bring an unrelenting focus on long-term, sustainable growth. Our ideal ownership time horizon is forever, and we've owned one partner company for almost 50 years. While each business in our family is unique, most of their daily challenges are not. We welcome collaboration across our family of companies with annual summits focused on strategy, leadership, finance, HR and other important areas. These summits connect leaders from across the IMC system, enabling relationships to form across the IMC operating companies. After more than half a century of experience, we’ve learned a lot of lessons from owning and operating a range of businesses. When called on, our team and board members bring valuable insights gained from growing businesses in varied environments.
  • Nate Edgerly, Chief Financial Officer