
About InterDigital

InterDigital, Inc. designs and develops advanced technologies that enable and enhance mobile communications and capabilities. Since our founding in 1972, our engineers have designed and developed a wide range of innovations that are used in digital cellular and wireless products and networks, including 2G, 3G, 4G and IEEE 802-related products and networks. For over four decades, InterDigital has been a pioneer in mobile technology and a key contributor to global wireless standards. Our team of approximately 160 engineers – approximately 80 percent of whom hold advanced degrees, including over 50 PhDs – has unparalleled expertise in major mobile connectivity and content delivery technologies. Since 2000, InterDigital has spent over $1 billion on technology research and development. The company’s activities are organized around the concept of the Living Network: a future where intelligent networks self-optimize to deliver service that is tailored to the content, context and connectivity of the user, device or need.
  • Patrick Van de Wille, Chief Communications Officer