Innovation Voucher Program (IVP)

About Innovation Voucher Program (IVP)

This grant program is intended to help Connecticut supply chain companies with the adoption and integration of IoT solutions. The program will provide matching grants up to $25,000 for digital hardware, sensors, platforms, and related third-party integration services. Project proposals that fall under any of the Industrial 4.0 technology groups: Industrial IoT, Model-Based Definition, Extended Reality, and Adaptive Automation will be considered for funding. The goal of this program is to ensure that the Connecticut supply chain is positioned to implement modern digital manufacturing tools so that they can continue to compete favorably against any manufacturing sector in the world! The program is administered by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology with funding provided through the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development's Manufacturing Innovation Fund. Eligibility Criteria: -Eligible proposals will incorporate Industrial Internet of Things, Model-Based Definition, Adaptive Automation, Extended Reality, or other approved digital transformation technology. -Applicants must not have committed to the project being proposed. If a proposal has been signed, a PO placed, or a deposit made, the project WILL NOT be considered. -A consult with a CCAT Engineer is required in advance of submitting a funding application (Download Consult Request Form Here). -Must be a Manufacturer or Allied Service Provider -Must have a manufacturing facility in Connecticut or relocating operations to CT. -Must be registered for at least 3-years in CT and currently generating revenue. -51% or more of the company's revenue must be generated from the sale of goods the applicant manufactures or from allied services provided to manufacturers. -Must have at least 3 full-time employees and fewer than 300 employees. -Proposed project value must be at least $5,000. -The company's manufacturing facility must be operating in an appropriately zoned commercial area. -Must be in Good Standing with both the CT Department of Revenue Services and CT Department of Labor at time of application submission.
  • Denise Gordon, Marketing Communications Lead