Incumbent Worker Training Program (IWT)

About Incumbent Worker Training Program (IWT)

The IWT program is a matching grant program that offers financial reimbursement to manufacturing companies for providing up-skill training to their employees. The goals are: - To support advanced manufacturing and innovative companies in their efforts to train incumbent workers in the appropriate skills to meet current and emerging market needs. - To bring technological innovation to the market and help manufacturing companies leap ahead in productivity and efficiency by enhancing the skills of their current workforce. - To grow sales revenue and increase profitability. The program will reimburse up to $50,000 of training costs annually. Companies may submit multiple reimbursement applications so long as the aggregate amount does not exceed $50,000 in any given calendar year. There is no minimum grant amount that will be awarded to qualified applicants. The maximum amount of lifetime assistance provided to any one company by this program is limited to $100,000. In order for a company to apply for reimbursement, they must meet all of eligibility criteria for the program. As an example, an applicant who can evidence having spent a total of $30,000 in training costs over the course of one year will be eligible for a potential grant of $15,000 ($15,000 grant + $15,000 company match). The program is administered by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology with funding provided through the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development's Manufacturing Innovation Fund. Eligibility Criteria: -A qualified third-party training company must have been used to conduct the training. -Applicants must evidence good standing with the CT Department of Revenue Services (DRS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) and be current with their registration with Secretary of the State and other relevant agencies (for the most recent quarter). -Applicants are required to match grant awards dollar for dollar. -Must have conducted beneficial training that is consistent with the goals of this program and worthy of funding as determined by the program administrator. -Companies receiving funds will be asked to complete a survey form on the impact of the training. -A Connecticut based manufacturer or allied service provider who has between 3 and 300 employees and incurred training expenses post 4/1/22. -A Connecticut based manufacturer or allied service provider who has between 300 and 1,000 employees and incurred training expenses post 6/29/23. -Must Have conducted beneficial training worthy of funding as determined by the program administrator.
  • Eileen Candels , Director Of Partnerships