IDALS Specialty Crop Block Grant

About IDALS Specialty Crop Block Grant

USDA Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) provides the funds to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in the state. IDALS has set the maximum amount of a subaward at $30,000. However, if it is determined there are not enough qualified projects to award all available funding from USDA, the Department reserves the right to re-evaluate the maximum amount to be awarded on a per project basis at its sole discretion in order to utilize all funding available. IDALS will accept proposals for consideration for specialty crop block grant funds from Iowa agencies, universities, institutions, and producer, industry, and community based organizations. To be eligible for a grant, the project(s) must solely enhance the competitiveness of Iowa grown specialty crops that benefit the industry as a whole and that do not directly benefit a particular product or provide a profit to a single organization, institution, or individual. Grant funds will not be awarded for projects that solely benefit a particular commercial product or provide a profit to a single organization, institution, or individual. Single organizations, institutions, and individuals are encouraged to participate as project partners. Applicants must be a legal entity and have the legal capacity to contract. Eligible applicants must reside, and/or conduct their business or organization in Iowa and must be in good standing.
  • Tammy Stotts , Marketing Specialist