Hudson Sustainable Investment

About Hudson Sustainable Investment

Hudson Sustainable Investment is a private equity firm making privately negotiated investments in the dynamic and expected high-growth clean energy industry. Global in scope, Hudson is dedicated to investing exclusively in renewable power, alternative fuels and energy smart technologies in sectors that include wind and solar energy, biofuels, biomass, geothermal energy, energy efficiency and storage. Hudson typically invests in high-growth, asset-based, capital-intensive segments of the clean energy value chain with minimal technology development risk, primarily in control and shared-control positions. Investment Strategy Hudson has a differentiated investment strategy, predicated on capturing and building franchise value while limiting downside exposure. Hudson’s investment strategy is focused only on compelling – but risk-mitigated – growth opportunities. Hudson transacts within a global economy in the early stages of a trillion dollar shift in its energy mix. Given the global struggles to control fuel resources and a growing concern about the true environmental costs of traditional energy generation, there is a movement away from fossil fuels and towards clean and renewable sources. Capital requirements for the clean energy industry have led to significant new capital investment opportunities for private equity. The complexities surrounding clean energy markets, technology and policy require a sophisticated understanding of these attributes and how their interaction impacts investments in the sector. The background, experience and track record of its investment team qualify Hudson to recognize, manage, and capitalize on these changes and opportunities. Hudson makes investments in high growth clean energy companies in two major areas: (i) infrastructure platforms globally which are primarily hard asset based portfolios or projects in either operating or development stages, and (ii) value chain companies that have manufacturing or servicing business. These companies span across a variety of sub-sectors within clean energy including solar, wind, hydroelectric, waste-to-energy, water treatment, energy efficiency, and clean energy finance.
  • Neil Z. Auerbach, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner