Hermitage Equity Partners

About Hermitage Equity Partners

Hermitage Equity Partners is a middle-market private equity investment firm dedicated to building market-leading companies in partnership with experienced, motivated management teams. We specialize in providing liquidity events for entrepreneurs and owners of closely-held businesses and then helping those businesses transition in a discrete and seamless manner. Regardless of circumstances, our portfolio companies will continue to serve the needs of their customers and to provide their management teams with opportunities for professional growth and career advancement. Due to our deep sector expertise, Hermitage Equity Partners is able to identify opportunities that more generalist firms might overlook. We believe that this focus brings us to the table more informed and better prepared to understand the nuances of your business. We pride ourselves on identifying a company’s inherent competitive advantages and building an investment thesis focused on exploiting those advantages in order to help our portfolio companies achieve a higher level of growth and profitability. We look for companies that possess some degree of latent growth potential, whether manifested as underutilized management talent, a competitive niche not fully developed, proprietary assets or technologies not fully exploited, sales channels not historically pursued, production capacity significantly underutilized, etc, we feel more comfortable owning companies that have a sustainable competitive advantage through a differentiated, value-added product or service. Preferred companies may be leading players in niche markets or in a specific geographic region.
  • Joseph P. Binkley, III, President