Healthy Ventures

About Healthy Ventures

Healthy Ventures partners with founders seeking hybrid ears to hear. We invest in infrastructural solutions that enable technologies to scale healthcare. These are often enterprise, and developer-facing products. ​Broadly speaking, our investment criteria map to the intersection among: Management + Market size + Market readiness + Business model We know how later stage investors think because both of us have spent meaningful time assessing later-stage investments. We'll help you beat the odds that you, unlike 50-60% of seed-stage ventures, will get your Series A done. Investors like to learn about a company's progress in certain ways because they have a certain perspective and agenda that need to be taken into account. Tapping into the muscle memory of our earlier lives, we'll help frame the investment narrative and present both past and future execution milestones in a way that's intuitive for follow-on investors.
  • Enmi Kendall, General Partner