Hayden Capita

About Hayden Capita

Hayden Capital is a value-oriented investment firm that follows a research-intensive, concentrated strategy. We invest globally, seeking to leverage insights from developed business models in one geography or industry, and applying those learnings cross-border to similar businesses in other regions or industries. This stems from the belief that doing so provides an insight advantage into future business model development and consumer behavior. Hayden implements this by investing in market-leading companies, with durable competitive advantages, and incentivized management teams. We believe the best indication of a high-quality, growing company is one that has a long-run way to invest capital internally at attractive rates of return. The strategy aims to purchase such businesses at attractive valuations. Our key tenets are: -Buy high-quality businesses at rational prices for the long-term. -Focus on underlying economic values, not stock prices. -Stay within our circle of competence. -Keep things simple. Rationality and common sense can go a long way. -Concentrate capital on only the best ideas.
  • Fred Liu, Founder and Portfolio Manager