Convergence research isn't just about throwing different disciplines together. It's a targeted approach to solving pressing societal needs and deep scientific questions by deeply integrating knowledge, methods, and expertise from diverse fields. This leads to fresh perspectives and innovative solutions that push the boundaries of existing disciplines. What makes convergence research unique? It starts with a specific problem and brings together researchers from the get-go to co-create new frameworks, languages, and tools for tackling it. This collaboration isn't just about sharing data; it's about merging disciplines and potentially even forming new ones. The goal is not only to solve the initial problem but also to open up new research avenues and paradigms. The National Science Foundation's Growing Convergence Research program funds bold, transdisciplinary teams exploring these frontiers. Successful projects have the potential to transform scientific understanding, develop groundbreaking technologies, and establish entirely new research communities. If you're working on a complex challenge that calls for a fresh approach, convergence research might be the key to unlocking its secrets.
  • Dragana Brzakovic, Program Coordinator