Golden Triangle Angel Network

About Golden Triangle Angel Network

Golden Triangle Angel Network is a Canadian angel investment firm that invests in early-stage businesses. GTAN angels are successful entrepreneurs who are seeking opportunities to invest in companies in which they can take an active interest. Most angels are active investors – they mentor the companies in which they invest by contributing time and experience as well as offering introductions to valuable contacts. They deploy their cumulative experiences and capital to help the next generation of entrepreneurs become successful. GTAN investors are looking for quality early-stage companies that are investment-ready. They need to see a clear and reasonable expectation of an appropriate return on the investment to invest. The only thing that will compel them to invest their own money in your company is a clear, concise, and well-supported business case that can lead to growth in the business and a return to the investors. GTAN trusts the recommendations of our community coaches that specialize in developing and coaching early-stage companies; such as Communi-Tech, MaRS, Innovation Guelph, Accelerator Centre, etc. We highly suggest you first meet with one of these regional organizations.
  • Evan Clark, Executive Director