Geodesic Capital

About Geodesic Capital

Building a global company is never easy. The process of international expansion is still largely unautomated and the farther you are from home, the more useful local connections and know-how become. This is particularly true for growth-stage entrepreneurs who typically see many clones of their businesses pop up worldwide, often with a local twist. Timely connected partners who know these markets can help you expand in an intelligent way and greatly improve your speed of execution to win the market. Geodesic Capital invests in rapidly growing technology companies facing exactly these problems. Geodesic Capital is a new type of VC firm. Rooted in both Silicon Valley and Japan, we fund rapidly growing tech companies. We provide unparalleled access to senior-level executives, partners, and government officials that our portfolio companies need to thrive abroad.
  • Ashvin Bachireddy, Co-founder and General Partner