Gauge Capital

About Gauge Capital

Gauge Capital is a private equity firm that partners with owners, managers, and equity stakeholders of successful middle-market companies to maximize their potential. Gauge’s primary aim is long-term, sustainable value creation through alignment of interests, transformational change, and organic and strategically acquired growth. Investment Criteria -We focus on Technology, Industrial, Business Services, Healthcare Services, Consumer, and Food Companies in the United States and Canada. -We prefer transactions consisting of Management Buy-Outs, Recapitalizations, Divestitures, Privatizations, Consolidations, and Growth Capital Investments. -Our target companies have meaningful growth potential, sustainable differentiation or value proposition, EBITDA of $5-$30 million. -We are long-term partners and are most focused on achieving the maximum potential of a business. -We focus on achieving returns through innovation and revenue growth and not through cost-cutting and financial engineering. -We focus on majority and shared control investments, preferably where the founders or managers are maintaining significant personal investments post-transaction.
  • Andrew Peix, Director of Business Development