G20 Ventures

About G20 Ventures

G20 Ventures provides early traction capital for East Coast enterprise tech startups, backed by the power and expertise of 20 of the Northeast's most accomplished entrepreneurs. We put people first. Seriously, not because they’re more important than raising funds, investing capital, or delivering returns, but because they’re the key to success in all those things. We understand every great adventure begins as a relationship among a handful of intrepid souls. We respect individuals for the quality of their ideas, and the content of their character. We value clarity, directness, and simplicity. We listen carefully and offer help with humility and good humor. In an era of billion-dollar funds, we think venture capital is still a business of human relationships. It’s hard to do well. It takes focus on what you know, and enough space for reflection to spot patterns in the dots. We believe good business is personal, and take a “People First” approach to invest. We value clarity, directness, and simplicity. We show up for meetings, prepared, and on time. We pay attention and offer help with humility. We do work. We help entrepreneurs win, whether we invest in them or not. We look for great teams in love with big problems, at or approaching the inflection point of customer validation. Our focus is generally on early-stage, East Coast, and enterprise software. We prefer technology risk to market risk, and won't generally invest in 100% consumer-facing businesses
  • Bill Wiberg, Co-Founder & Partner