FreshTracks Capital

About FreshTracks Capital

Based in Shelburne VT, FreshTracks Capital L.P. manages $25 million in venture capital that is invested with a core focus on Vermont. The firm was founded in 2000 by Cairn Cross and Charlie Kireker, who were joined by partners Tim Davis and Lee Bouyea in 2005. FreshTracks is currently managed by Cairn Cross, Tim Davis & Lee Bouyea with 3 Funds under management and investments completed in over 30 portfolio companies. FreshTracks pursues investing opportunities in high-growth, private companies in the under-served capital markets of Vermont and the adjacent counties of New York, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The firm’s investment criteria focuses on the following four primary attributes: Quality of the management team Attractiveness of the market opportunity Innovativeness of the product or service Strength of the business model We favor technology-driven businesses because of their potential for creating defensible competitive advantages, and seek out proven, high-performing management teams to lead these companies. FreshTracks draws on the financial resources and talents of over 80 limited partners, many of whom are successful entrepreneurs in their own right. Institutional investors also contribute significant expertise and their networks to our funds, including: Middlebury College, Vermont Community Foundation, TD Bank, National Life Insurance Group, Key Bank, Vermont Public Radio, Union Mutual of Vermont and Merchants Bank. In addition, our Vermont-based Venture Fund maintains close relations with numerous organizations throughout the state who help to build the entrepreneurial economy of Vermont, including: LaunchVT, Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies, (VCET), The Vermont Venture Network (VVN), HackVT, North Country Angels (NCA), Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA), Vermont Community Loan Fund (VCLF), InventVermont, the Vermont Software Developers Alliance (VTSDA), Champlain College BYOBiz program, VT Department of Economic Development, and many others.
  • Lee E. Bouyea, Managing Director