Fearless Fund

About Fearless Fund

Fearless Fund invests in women of color led businesses seeking pre-seed, seed level, or series A financing. Our mission is to bridge the gap in venture capital funding for women of color founders building scalable, growth aggressive companies. Fearless Fund is built by women of color for women of color. Fearless Fund was established to address the gap that exists in venture capital funding for WOC-led businesses and to finally push the needle on the abysmal statistics that drive the current narrative for WOC-led businesses today. Investment Criteria -Woman of color-led: At least one woman of color co-founder with significant equity in the company. -Led by a high quality, resilient management team with at least one full-time founder: The management team should have deep industry knowledge as well as an understanding of their product, new and existing competitors’ products, and their potential market share. Strong management teams will exhibit enthusiasm and confidence in their team’s ability to execute. We see our investment as a partnership with our entrepreneurs and appreciate those who communicate effectively with their investors. -Have a sustainable competitive advantage: Competitive advantages can include high barriers to entry (if no IP, then trade secrets that can allow a reasonable amount of time to become market leader), disruptive technology, unique/valuable partnerships, etc. -Established C-Corporations (or LLCs on path to incorporation): Must have a strong business model, 5 year pro-forma, and clearly defined and well-researched exit strategy. -Ability to scale rapidly and achieve strong returns for investors: We generally prefer to see 3-5 year projections with scalability in excess of $20 million (minimum). We show strong preference toward companies that exhibit the viability of raising additional rounds of financing, plus opportunities that can be accelerated with support from our investment team, partners, and advisors. Financial Considerations: Funding ask: Should be in line with the company’s stage of growth. Stage of Company: Fearless Fund invests in Pre-seed, Seed and Series A stage deals. At a minimum, the company should have proof of concept and preferably a minimum viable product that has some customer traction. We only invest in companies that have generated a minimum of $100k+ in revenue. We only consider investment in equity or debt financing structured deals. Investment Partners: We prefer deals that have multiple investment partners and are never the sole funder. We will also syndicate deals, when appropriate, within our network of other female funders.
  • Tracy Gray, Fund Advisor