Energize Delaware Empowerment Grant

About Energize Delaware Empowerment Grant

The Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility DBA Energize Delaware is a unique statewide non-profit organization and resource to help residents and businesses save money through clean energy and efficiency. Having allocated the initial $4 million from the Exelon Settlement Agreement, the Empowerment Grant Program is now expanding with new funding, to the entire state of Delaware. The Empowerment Grant’s vision is to implement impactful and innovative energy equity projects in underserved communities of all utility service providers that include direct investment, community outreach, education, and engagement. Low- and moderate-income communities have been historically underserved. The Empowerment Grant is focused on expanding the inclusion and participation of low- and moderate-income communities in the clean energy movement. The Empowerment Grant powered by the Energy Equity Fund will address the following: Create energy resilient and healthy homes. Improve energy efficiency for small businesses, community-based organizations, and local non-profits. Provide access to clean, renewable energy for low-moderate income communities. Create, expand, and sustain clean and renewable jobs– building pathways for education and training of a diverse clean energy and energy efficiency workforce for underserved communities.
  • Kassandra Rodriguez, Manager