Empire Angels

About Empire Angels

Empire Angels is a member-led, New York City-based angel group comprised of experienced young professionals who are attracted to making smart investments in early-stage technology ventures with a focus on supporting young, US-based entrepreneurs. EA invests in Seed, Seed+, and Series A rounds, early-stage, capital-efficient companies led by dedicated, young founders with a clever solution, large target market, and initial user engagement. Empire Angels focus on technology-enabled ventures. With the majority of our members in the financial services industry, Empire Angels is particularly interested in fintech ventures which provide solutions in rapidly changing global financial markets. Our members provide unique insight to entrepreneurs in this space as well as access to large institutions and funds through our network. Our varied industry expertise, however, allows our members to review opportunities across sectors. We look for outstanding young entrepreneurs solving the major problems of our generation, from e-commerce to education.
  • Christina Bechhold Russ, Founding Partner