Ellen Levy, Angel Investor

About Ellen Levy, Angel Investor

Currently, my "primary job" is serving as Managing Director of Silicon Valley Connect. Additionally, I am an active investor and advisor to several dozen startup companies. Each of my roles has in one way or another involved being the "interface" between groups thinking about the future of technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation: the technical and non-technical communities; the VC and the entrepreneur; the industry and academia. My interest in pursuing technology and innovation-related issues on a global scale comes from a wide range of experiences: while working in startups, large companies, venture capital, research labs, and universities. Generally speaking, my current areas of interest include all things related to professional social networking, "social productivity," and the "consumerization of enterprise" as well as evaluating, assessing, and developing new models for innovation within and between individuals and organizations.
  • Ellen Levy, Angel Investor