Elevate Vermont

About Elevate Vermont

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants are available through the Federal government to assist companies with the basic research needed to develop their innovations into marketable products. Each year, eleven Federal agencies participate in this program, including the Department of Defense (DOD) and NASA. While the grants can be significant, up to $250,000 in Phase One funding or $1.5 million in Phase Two funding, the applications can be challenging for emerging or growing businesses to complete successfully. A company interested in applying for SBIR/STTR funding for the first time, or a company that has applied unsuccessfully, may apply for Elevate Vermont technical assistance to work with a consultant specializing in SBIR/STTR applications, who will help you navigate the application complexities and improve your chances of success. Eligibility Requirements: Headquartered in Vermont. Completed and approved program application.
  • Todd Baumeister, ACCD Business Process Manager