DW Healthcare Partners

About DW Healthcare Partners

We know healthcare. We are healthcare private equity investors with over 120 years of combined experience. We can help you be successful. We follow a true partnership model. Our relationships with our portfolio business owners are based on respect and a common goal to accelerate growth to build shareholder value. We manage five funds with over $1.43 billion in aggregate capital commitments. Our investors are comprised of large corporate pension plans, insurance companies, foundations, fund of fund managers, high net worth family trusts, and endowments. Our extensive knowledge of the healthcare market allows us to quickly evaluate and complete a deal. Having owned and operated our own healthcare businesses, we understand the operational and strategic issues confronting business owners and can act as a valuable strategic resource. INVESTMENT CRITERIA -MINIMUM COMPANY SIZE $5 million EBITDA -LOCATION North America -PREFERRED STAKE Majority ownership -EQUITY INVESTMENT $20-60 million
  • Alex Bronstein, Director