Dresner Foundation

About Dresner Foundation

Dresner Foundation's approach empowers community members to benefit from the grant investments that they make. The foundation partners with organizations that are committed to creating opportunities for the underserved in our communities. Those partners include a wide-range of entities, including hospitals, community centers, and other nonprofits. Dresner’s mission is that the foundation would provide a channel to improve the lives of people and animals in their communities. Its goal is to provide organizations with the necessary resources, so they can continue offering services to those most in need. We seek to test innovative approaches, determine lessons from current commendable activities, and promote the adoption of creative thinking on a broad scale through direct grant making and support for research and other ventures that advance community support. The Foundation Offers 3 Types of Support: *Project – Development of new programs, expansion of existing programs, or continuation of sustainable, recognized effective current programming. *Capital – Equipment purchase, acquisition, construction and/or renovation of facilities. *Funding for special circumstances, in support of existing grantee programs, will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Lori Dresner, President