
About digitalundivided

digitalundivided’s (DID) mission is to foster economic growth and empowerment in communities through training and supporting Black and Latina women entrepreneurs. DID uses technology and innovation as the tools to achieve our mission. The cornerstone of our work is the BIG Innovation Center, home to the BIG Tech Accelerator program (BIG), a 12-week accelerator program for startups led by Black and Latina women. Located in the heart of Atlanta, BIG provides a structured curriculum focused on developing sustainable businesses, mentorship by top leaders, opportunities to pitch directly to investors, and direct access to funding. BIG is a winner of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2015 and 2016 Growth Accelerator Fund Competitions and is supported by Echoing Green and Surdna Foundations. Since 2013, DID has impacted over 2,000 people and helped raise $15MM in investments. Like no one else, DID excel at finding Black and Latina women entrepreneurs with high growth companies and game changing ideas Connecting them to an unmatched network of investors, mentors, and influencers Developing their start-up toolkit and leadership skills Supporting their entrepreneurship journey from the build phase to exit with the goal of helping create companies that have a strong positive impact on the economic health of their local communities
  • Alex Miller, Chief Operating Officer