Digital Technology Supercluster

About Digital Technology Supercluster

Canada has the vision to lead our Digital World. The Digital Technology Supercluster was created to make this vision a reality. We accelerate R&D investment, technology adoption, and the re-skilling of our Canadian talent by introducing a new type of innovation model that is led by industry. Through a unique combination of co-investment, cross-industry collaboration, IP creation, and digital talent development, we have built the strongest digital innovation ecosystem in Canada. The Digital Technology Supercluster focuses on supporting Canada’s strongest sectors, working with innovators and industry leaders that want to advance their R&D, prepare for digital transformation and team up with new partners to develop breakthrough technologies backed by Canadian IP. Areas of technology advancement include: -Big data analysis -Quantum computing -AI and machine learning -Future networks and 5G -Distributed systems and blockchain -Geonomics -Virtual, mixed, and augmented reality -Robotics -Cybersecurity
  • Karen McClure, Chief Investment Officer