Decima Ventures

About Decima Ventures

Decima Ventures is a technology investment group with over 13 years track-record of building and growing successful companies. Many investors regard investment as a "numbers' game"- they invest in a large number of startups, assuming that if you throw enough darts you are bound to hit something. With such an approach- they don't have the ability or the motivation to help their investments succeed, and indeed the vast majority of them, if not all, fail. We at Decima Ventures rather take a more selective approach. We selectively pick fewer startups to invest in and with that- we are committed to making sure they succeed. What it takes from us as investors, we know, is more than some cash and a quarterly phone call. Investment Criteria -STAGE: Decima Ventures invests in early-stage companies- with an investment size of anything between $50K and $4mm. For our portfolio companies, we also fund expansion rounds. Typically, we provide the first outside money that a company raises. While we invest in companies pre-revenue, we do expect our investments to have a proven proof of concept or the ability to show some traction. -DOMAIN: While we may consider a broad range of high-tech and internet companies, we prefer to invest in companies in the areas where we have developed domain expertise. These areas include cyber-security, social networking, messaging, and video. -GEOGRAPHY: To provide our portfolio companies ongoing support and unlimited access to our resources and people, we prefer to invest in ventures that are headquartered in the markets where we have a year-round physical presence- namely the US and Israel. -PEOPLE: Lastly- and most importantly we fund companies, but we invest in people. People are the single most important criteria for our investment decision. We look for passionate, committed, bright teams with relevant experience and a proven track record.
  • Rony Zarom, Founder & CEO; Decima Ventures