DC Locally Made Manufacturing Grant

About DC Locally Made Manufacturing Grant

DMPED recognizes manufacturing supply chains have become more complicated due to multiple suppliers, challenging international trade and import and export regulations, and the rapid acceleration of e-commerce demands and absorption, and the exacerbation of the recent worldwide economic challenge and public health emergency. Supply chains were distressed and, in some cases, disrupted. There is an increasing need to manufacture and procure consumer goods locally. Locally Made incentivizes and bolsters the Great Streets initiative to grow the District’s local small business economy and bolster neighborhoods with inadequate access to retail opportunities. The purpose of the Great Streets Initiative is to transform certain designated emerging commercial corridors into thriving, walkable, shoppable and inviting neighborhood experiences. DMPED invests in 13 retail priority areas, “Great Streets Corridors,” with the goal of creating livable, walkable, shoppable, community-serving retail experiences across all eight wards. The Great Streets Initiative does this by supporting existing businesses, attracting new businesses, increasing the District’s tax base, and creating new job opportunities for District residents. DMPED believes that the industrial sector can and will flourish in the District, increase employment opportunities for local residents, and offer light manufacturing opportunities that provide economic stability, mitigate blight, and add vibrancy to our designated Great Streets corridors. The Locally Made grants will support qualified small businesses for the capital or tenant improvements of commercial property with a designated industrial use.
  • Jacque McDonald, Grants Manager